E for effort and F for fuck you


That’s what it said, right next to a drawing of a penis, etched into the dirt on our back windscreen.

Whilst my partner fretted, my only thought was why they used the term cockheads instead of dickheads which is far more a prevalent term.

This isn’t the first time someone has taken to using our car as their canvas, a couple of years ago after some snow someone had drawn a penis entering a bum, emblazoned with the words “gay bum boys”

I guess we are being harassed.   Should I be taking this seriously?

Many of my friends have been subject to various levels of bullying and harassment in public and at work, for being gay or otherwise and affected them to varying degrees.  I have no experience to draw on, I’ve coasted through life without any trouble, or have I just been oblivious to it?

Is it worrying that someone , probably living in my street, possibly a next door neighbour has such an opinion of the people living nearby.  Or are windscreens just a handy way for airing your views?

My other thought was to correct their grammatical errors and grade their work,  I thought their penis drawing was rather bulbous and if this was a self-portrait I would recommend a visit to their GP.

I can honestly say I have never felt victimized, never once felt unsafe or fearful.

I cannot even begin to comprehend why how I live bothers someone so much to make these kind of statements as I would not give  a passing thought to how someone lives their life.   And besides this isn’t a hick backwater, this is Camden Town where anything goes.

All I feel is pity for someone who must be unhappy in their lives and therefore feels the need to impart their dissatisfaction on others.  This is the essence of bullying is it not?  Insecurities of themselves so by attempting to make someone else feel like a piece of shit somehow gives them a little boost, a little power and control over something which they don’t have over their own lives.

But honestly you are wasting your time, I really don’t care, nothing much upsets me and you’ll never be able to make me feel bad.

But I know I am lucky to feel that way, many more other people are vulnerable and affected by bullying and harassment in often fatal consequences.  I wish I could assure them it doesn’t matter, be confident in yourself, give them two fingers (and spare a thought for their misshapen penis)