“How Talentless”

This is how I was once referred to when I was growing up, I was watching a mate’s band play in an old mans pub in the shopping centre.  The bass player  said this to me after he asked if I played any instruments and I replied I didn’t.   At the time I didn’t even question the irony of a bass player calling me talentless, but it’s prayed on my mind on occasional intervals in my life, mainly when I am surrounded by actual talented individuals living out their creative desires.

Truth is I have never had any real inclination to be creative since I left school, I was creative back then, excelling in art as well as the core subjects but never enough to get off my arse and actually carry something through.  I can’t write and perform great songs like my friends in bands (more to come of them at a later date no doubt) I don’t have the ideas seeping out of my orifices or the skills to write great prose like another of my friends.

I tried guitar once but I have stumpy fingers and couldn’t even manage the simplest of chords, I tried picking up the paintbrush after many years since leaving school but found I had forgotten how to draw, who would have thought that possible, not like riding a bike then (although I have learnt to ride a bike in my late twenties)

Maybe by my writing this may help a trickle of creative juice seep out, but more than that, I’ve just bought a new laptop so I need to justify the expenditure by actually using it for something.

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  1. What’s with the bass player calling you talentless? If you can chew gum and walk at the same time, you can play the bass. Not that hard. You’re right; oh, the irony of it all…haha.

    I think that this is the perfect creative outlet for you to utilise…you have a natural affinity for the written word, my friend. You write well AND you’re hilarious…brilliant combination. 🙂

    • Thank you! No idea what happened to their band so he can’t have been that good, I have other friends in a band now, I now have the perfect retort should he get delusions of grandeur 🙂

  2. casallina

     /  August 31, 2011

    I fell in love with London when I studied there. I’m liking all your random musings and adventures.

  3. Love this… I’ve had instances like this in my life that seem to seep back into my conscienceness from time to time, where somebody said something somewhat meaningless that turned out to be not so meaningless.. But the best thing is seeing where these people are now… at least in my situation. So your about me page really hit home.

  4. Never been to London, but you never know..

    I love your articles and I think you are very creative with words. The Killer Bees, excellent! I had to laugh just image myself hitting that guy on the back really hard to kill that wasp and imagine his reaction not knowing he had a wasp on his back, really funny. If you start writing books let me know I will be the first one in line to purchase.

  5. Thanks for the comments!

  6. Love your finger Gravatar. Hope you find your talent niche. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    • Loved your reaction to the Freshly Pressed freeze. The finger Gravatar is pilfered from an artist called David Shrigley, well he gets artist acclaim and appears in galleries but he does doddles and such which I love.

  7. Haha..I feel the same! I am surrounded by talented creative people. I spent my childhood and teenage years drawing and painting…over the last year I bought paints and pencils..but I have the same problem….I have forgotten some of the basics of art. I guess its all about practice..practice makes perfect, but its hard starting back at the very beginning!

    • It is funny how you forget to draw, next time I go home to my parents I’ll dig out my work and see if it inspires me. But blogging has turned out to be quite an oulet as is cooking – it helps everyone I know can’t cook at all so I look great

      I know know we are all talented in other ways.

  8. Sorry for taking so long to subscribe to your blog!

  9. laurengraceevans

     /  March 4, 2012

    Hi! I nominated you for the Creative Chaos blog award cos I love to read your lovely blog. If you wanna know what to do for the nomination take a little look see on my blog. Yay!

    • Thanks Lauren! I will check it out at work tomorrow, that’ll help keep the MOnday blues at bay with something to do!

      • laurengraceevans

         /  March 4, 2012

        Haha no worries! At least Monday will be a little bit more endurable! 🙂

  10. Hi, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Details are here: http://looserornot.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/the-versatile-blogger-award-yes-im-the-chosen-one/ I hope you accept the award in the spirtit that I nominate you. Have fun best wishes! 😀

    • Thanks for that! Much appreciated, I got a different one last week and am constructing the post in response to that, so will add this one too- thanks for the extra work! 😉

  11. I was going to just make this a post, but it gets a little offensive when you close the video out. I thought you could handle it.

    To all my music loving friends:

    I saw a commercial with a bit of this song in it.


  12. Did you see my “just do it” post? I kind of need you. You would be my first international virtual walker.

  13. Give me a minute, almost lunchtime and will look 🙂

  14. Hi Joe,

    Read your article about Rev78.. Like it!
    I look after a post-punk band based in London and I’d like to think they’re your cup of tea!

    If you’d like to hear their music, let me know how can I get in touch with you..
    Many thanks,
    Sara – duchamprecords@gmail.com

  15. Good morning SU. What time is it there?

    • 2,26pm, the clocks wenrt forward this morning. LOvely sunny day, I’m going to the clothes recycling bank near Amy Winehouses house! Spring cleaning

      • Fun stuff. Just watch out for the druggies in that area. 😉 I should be spring cleaning, but I am outside on the porch swing enjoying the birds chirping before my kids start screaming at eachother.

        • don’t get stuck out there again! – just reading that post.

          nice being up before the world awakes, had a nice coffee in my courtyard garden the size of a postage stamp. Surrounded by 4 high walls my cat used to leap over, now she got fat she is just staring at them meowing.

      • You’ve impressed us all with that posting!

  16. You have been nominated for an award!

    I have only been blogging since March, so my nomination came as a complete surprise. But I am pleased to be nominated. I started blogging to take up some of my free time and to hopefully kick start my dormant drive to write. I’ve been surprised by how much I enjoy it, and I hope my few readers enjoy it too.

    I’ve made some connections here in the Blogosphere and I really enjoy the interactions of so many different types of people, from ghosts to yogurt eaters. Since blogging is very anonymous the honesty on these pages is sometimes staggering. People blog about the best and the worst and the mundane and mediocre, and each is different and each is a new joy. One of these connections is the person who nominated me for this beautiful and sentimental award. Her link is found here http://hometogo232.wordpress.com

    I am very honored to have been considered. As requested, here are the rules/suggestions related to receiving this award:
    •Share who gave it to you with a link back to their blog: http://hometogo232.wordpress.com

    •Reveal seven random facts about yourself. (follows)
    •Give this award to fifteen other bloggers. (I stopped at ten.)
    •Pop the award on my blog. (I can send instructions.)

    Seven Things about me:

    1. I need a new hula hoop.

    2. I hate to shop. Groceries especially.

    3. I only hate inanimate objects and ideas.

    4. I like birdwatching.

    5. I am learning to be more tolerant, especially those whose ideas totally contradict my own.

    6. I avoid mirrors.

    7. I don’t know how apply make up.

    Here are the blogs that I want to nominate for this award. They all have something special to offer those that take time to read their blogs.



    I’ve moved








    Congratulations to some of my favorite blogs!

  17. One could argue being talentless is a talent in itself…but that would be a silly argument…I accept that. But nonetheless…I will pose it as a valid argument and await your response!

    Kind regards, Slapppshot!

    • Talented at being talenteless? I think you could be onto something here. Do they hand out awards for that kind of incompetance? Isn’t there an awsrds aroudn the time of the Oscars that hands out trophies for worst performances?

      Therefore it is perfectly acceptable to consider your own worthlessness as a talent, it’s great to finally excel at something!


  18. clownonfire

     /  August 1, 2012

    Madame Weebles suggested I read you. Don’t disappoint.
    Le Clown

    • Le Clown

      High praise indeed!

      Your request/mildy sinister threat is duly noted.

      I have seen you about on Madames page and over at Dotty too and have been meaning to stop over some time, so I shall.


  19. Congratulations on your Inspiring Blogger nomination from lightningpen. Best of luck!

  20. I am glad I am not the only one who thought bass players were really just kind of decoration (no offense to bass players).

  21. You seem to be a very good a writer, so there’s you talent right there! Thanks for following Kidz Showz. It needs all the love it can get!

    • Thanks, I am partial to self-deprication, it’s aBritish trait. You’ll probably feature loads of kids we never got in the UK

  22. At 9 a.m. EST today, my post nominating you for the “Sunshine Award” will go public. I have nominated you for bringing sunshine into my life with your posts. I hope you will accept this nomination and pass it on to others. There is no obligation to do so and no time limit. You can find my post here:

    The Sunshine Award

    Again, thanks for your great posts!

    • Thanks for this! It’ll give me something to write about as I am suffering writers block, probably as we have no sunshine here, it’s freezing and miserable, sunshine is much needed!

  23. If you’d like to appear creative all you have to do is take photos of bands. All the live shots on stage, no matter how flawed technically, will be viewed by the drugged-up and/or narcissistic musicians as artsy and in the event they want you to take a posed portrait (individually or as a group) the secret is to tell them to try to look dangerous. Talent is confirmed upon you as soon as you show the married lead singer a photo of him/herself in some sort of compromising situation.

    As a band photog monetary pay usually stinks but you have access to the craft services table, the band’s stash, and second-string groupies. Refuse to lift any of the band’s equipment lest you be permanently downgraded to “roadie with a camera”.

  24. Anonymous

     /  February 13, 2014

    Hi your recipes are great, what about people that are on a low fat low sugar diets. You seem to use an enormous amount of butter and sugar in your cooking. Could you give some thought to us can not have sugar or butter.

  25. Holly

     /  July 8, 2014

    Hey Ina,

    How much butter do you recommend bathing in for suple skin like yours? Are any eggs required?


    P.S. Do you drink it afterwards?

  1. Things I suck at | Fear No Weebles
  2. A™ Madame™ Weebles™ Magnificent™ Birthday™ | A Clown On Fire
  3. Is That James Bond (And Wifey) With A Sausage In Their Hair? Part 2 |
  4. My Leprosy Experience | Doggy's Style

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